Sunday, June 04, 2006

Tuesday, July 22, 2042

I don't smoke. I weigh what I should. I'm not in any high risk group. But, I'm still going to die one day. Tuesday, July 22, 2042, to be exact if has anything to say about it. As I am typing this, I'm watching the seconds tick away. 1,140,063,850 ... 1,140,063,849 ... left to go.

Wow. I wonder if God will ask me my high score on Bejeweled on my phone. I wonder if he'll be impressed that I still know how to solve a Rubik's Cube. I wonder if he'll ask me my annualized return on my IRA. Or, will he be more concerned about my relationship with His Son.

Did I repent of my personal sin? Did I trust in the Savior alone to pay for my sins? What did I do with that salvation. Did I practice 'grace abuse' and keep living for myself? Did I get out there and tell somebody, plead with somebody, pour my heart out to somebody to get themselves right with God today.

Man, there goes more seconds. Tick... Tick... Tick...

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